Privacy Policy
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The following constitutes the basic policy of ROKI AMERICA Co., Ltd. (referred to below as “Company”) regarding the protection of personal information.
On the strength of this privacy policy, all our associates are aware of the importance of personal information management and of their responsibilities in this respect, and this awareness informs all our business activities.

Collection and use of personal information

This Company employs established and legitimate methods to gather personal information pertaining to our customers for the express purpose of supplying products and services. This information is used only within the limits necessary to execute this goal. Prior notice will be given of any use of personal information that exceeds the designated purpose of use.

Handling of personal information

All personal information provided by customers is administered in conformity with this Company's regulations on the protection and management of personal information.

Provision of personal information to third parties

All personal information provided by customers is retained by this Company and will not (with the exception of where such disclosure is required by an agent under contract to this company or under the law) be made available to a third party without the express consent of the customer.

Disclosure, revision and deletion

Customers are at liberty to request the disclosure of their personal information. Customers may also request the revision and/or deletion of such information consequent upon disclosure.

*Please contact our Administration Department for any inquiries regarding the privacy policy.
ROKI AMERICA Co., Ltd. Administration Department TEL. 419-424-9713